9 Round: Get a Knockout Body


9Round Logo_opt9 Round offers a fun, challenging, results oriented workout in 30 minutes.

There’s no doubt that exercise contributes to one’s overall health and adds physical fitness to a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many don’t look at exercise as fun, but something else they should fit into an already full day of work and daily activities. But now Suwanee has a new and unique workout experience.

Started in Greenville, S.C., 9 Round opened its first facility in Georgia in Suwanee at the end of June.

DSC_7549Owners, Nick and Debi Pettola, who live in Greenville, S.C., said opening a 9 Round in Georgia was a natural migration. Looking in Atlanta to open their new facility, they found Suwanee.

“We liked the look and feel of Suwanee. It seemed like an active community and a great place to open our new and exciting fitness concept,” Nick Pettola said.

He describes 9 Round as an alternative to a big box gym with an intimate 30 minute workout experience that is fun, fast-paced, and where a trainer is with you every step of the way. There are no classes and all memberships come with unlimited workouts and a 9 Round Nutrition program. The first workout is always free.

The fun, friendly, full-body kickboxing workout was designed by a professional fighter and includes nine stations that are three minutes each. Pettola said the beauty of the program is there are no class times because of the circuit training format – you’ll never be late for a class.

“You will train like a pro, but never get hit,” Pettola added.

No kickboxing experience? Pettola said that’s even better.

DSC_7692“99 percent of our clients have never done any kind of kickboxing,” Pettola said. “It’s our job to teach you.”

And the 9 Round Nutrition program includes an online forum where members can post questions, gain access to a nutrition journal, and a weekly email with nutrition tips.

Pettola said the workout involves aerobic (cardio), anaerobic, and resistant training, and it’s that combination that gives the client fast results. And it’s the results that keep clients coming back for another nine rounds.DSC_7569

For more information and hours of operation, visit the 9 Round website at 9round.com/fitness/suwanee-GA