Why You Should be Using Social Media for Your Business

Why You Should be Using Social Media for Your Business - Veugeler Design Group

Facebook and Instagram are making it easier for people to manage their social media accounts right from their phone, with the ability to swap between business and personal accounts with a click of a button. 

By: Priscilla Salmasi and Shay Harbaugh, Veugeler Design Group

Recently a small business owner asked us if it was necessary for her to create business pages since she already has so many friends and followers on her personal page. In short, the answer is yes. It is extremely important to have separate accounts – but to also be cognizant of the fact that even on your personal page you are still representing your company’s brand. 

3 reasons to use Facebook and Instagram for business:  

1. Targeted Advertising

FACEBOOK: If you use a Facebook Page, you can reach more people who like your page and friends of those fans who like your page through Promoted Posts. You can create highly targeted ads based on interests, buying habits, behaviors, demographics and more. Facebook advertising has gotten more complex over the years and now includes re-targeting options so that your ads reach customers who have already visited or shown interest in your website.

INSTAGRAM: Since Instagram is owned by Facebook, you’ll need to link your Facebook Business Page to your Instagram account. Like Facebook, you will have the ability to create specific audiences for your ad based on location and interests. Choose from objectives such as “clicks to your website,” “app installs” and “video views,” then add a call-to-action button such as “Learn More,” “Shop Now” or “Contact Us.” You can easily create ads within the Instagram app, or if you’re more familiar with Facebook Ads manager, create an ad on Facebook that will also push to Instagram.

Note: Instagram business pages are new! If you already have an Instagram page set up for your company, just make sure that you click “switch to business profile” in your account settings so that you can benefit from its new features.

2. Insights & Analytics 


Branding or Re-branding your Business

FACEBOOK: This might be the biggest reason to setup a Facebook Business page because the information you can gather about customers and potential clients is invaluable. “Facebook Insights” gives you metrics about your page’s performance and analyzes which posts have the most engagement, shares, views and impressions. Also, Facebook offers you specific information about your audience beyond basic demographics – such as what day and time your audience is most active on Facebook – so you can schedule posts when they are more likely to see them. 

INSTAGRAM: Being relatively new to the game, Instagram Insights doesn’t offer quite as many frills as Facebook, yet it’s a convenient way for you to get a quick look at how Instagram content is working for you and a look at your audience’s demographics, including top posts, audience’s age and location, and the average times your followers are on Instagram each day. 

3. Connect with your audience

FACEBOOK: When you set up a business page, your page has a category and options to include information such as a list of services, a shop button, special offers, reviews and more. Make sure you quickly respond to customer’s posts, direct messages and inquiries because Facebook will display your average response time (ie: this company typically replies to messages within five hours.)

INSTAGRAM: Now that Instagram business profiles are available, followers can engage with a business within the Instagram app. Once you complete your business profile information, a contact button will appear in the profile. This allows users to simply choose options to email, call or find your business location on a map, directly through the app.

With so much data being made available to businesses, social media gives you the opportunity to connect with current and potential customers more than ever before. You can still use your personal social media accounts to your advantage by being seen as a thought leader in your industry and showcasing your work and passion for what you do. This builds credibility for your business because after all, potential customers know that a company is only as good as the employees within it. So make sure that both you and your employees are representing your company well across all of their social accounts. 

For more information about managing your Facebook and Instagram pages, please contact Veugeler Design Group. We’re here to help you share your story!

Veugeler Design Group






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