Letter From The Editor: Hail to the Beef!

Letter from the editor Rachel Pillow

Rachel Pillow

Managing Editor

How about that delicious-looking burger on the cover? It really was delicious! We got to taste that one plus eight other contenders in our 2017 Best Burger in Suwanee Contest. Tough job, right? Well, someone has to do it! Taco Mac (featured on the cover) won our staff pick: People’s Choice Award. But, the actual “Best Burger in Suwanee” was named by four noteworthy judges who are influential in the local culinary scene. Flip to page 45 to find out who took home the title and to learn more about all the other awesome burgers we got to try!

While we may still be in the heat of summer now, we’ll be headed back to school before you know it in August. Laura Lebovitz, licensed therapist at Grow Counseling, gives tips on page 38 about helping your child ease those back-to school butterflies. For some of you new parents or for those who are new to the area, you might be checking out school and childcare options. Well, look no further than our Early Childhood Education Guide on page 24, where you will find info about some of the areas best programs. My daughter is almost one year old now (hard to believe) and I remember the painstaking process of sorting through all the childcare options before I went back to work. We hope that our guide, both in print and online, will serve as a resource for others going through the same thing.

In the meantime, lets soak up this last month or so of summer fun because fall is right around the corner and that brings a whole other host of things to look forward to (i.e.: football!) We can’t wait to see what our Falcons will accomplish this year. We had the chance to meet with Dan Quinn, Matt Ryan and Dontari Poe: flip to page 22 to hear what they had to say about their upcoming season.

We also had the chance to chat with country singer, Josh Turner, before he plays at The Bowl at Sugar Hill on August 12th. Turn to page 70 to learn more about this multi-platinum, award-winning superstar….like the fact that he’s a Braves fan. We like you even more now, Josh!

Thanks for reading and as always, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. We value your feedback and submissions!

Contact Rachel at [email protected].