Star 94’s 2012 Woofstock Festival
Pets paraded through Town Center Park for STAR 94’s annual pet party in the park, Woofstock was held May 12 at Town Center Park. Pets and their owners spent the day long festival watching demonstrations and contests. There were also vendors, live music, food vendors, a beer garden, a pet spa and if you came in need of a pet, there were pet adoptions. Ultimate Air Dogs performed its dock jumping show for the crowd, and Sports USA presented a Frisbee dog exhibition and workshop. Other dog contests included smallest, biggest, and pet/owner look-a-like. Live music was performed by The Electric Sons, Glow and Mirror.
Looking for Off-The-Wall YouTube Worthy Videos!
Do you see life through the lens of a video camera? Do you have what it takes to produce a fun, slightly off-the-wall video about the joys of living in Suwanee? If so, perhaps you could win up to $1,000 in the city’s first-ever video competition. Winning videos will be uploaded to the city’s YouTube channel and made available
Original videos should be no longer than three minutes. The goal should be to promote the city to potential residents and businesses with funny but not foul content. Suggested themes include “Suwanee on the Edge” or “My Wacky, Wonderful Hometown.” All applicants need to comply with copyright regulations, including any use of music. The preferred format for submissions is WMV or MOV, provided via DVD. Applications are available at and must be submitted with video entries.
More than one video may be selected as a winner with up to $2,500 awarded through the competition with up to $1,000 being awarded for individual videos. The city of Suwanee reserves the right not to select any winning videos. The deadline for submission is July 20.

Memorial Day Concert
It wouldn’t be Memorial Day weekend in Suwanee if it didn’t start with a performance of military marches and patriotic tunes. In what has become a firmly rooted community tradition, the Gwinnett Daily Post kicked off the Memorial Day weekend May 25 at Town Center Park with a free concert that honors those who serve and have served in the United States Military. The Gwinnett Community Band, led by Music Director Jack Randall, performed after a demonstration jump by Silver Wings, the Command Exhibition Parachute Team of the U.S. Army Infantry based at Fort Benning.
Chick-fil-A Celebrates “Ms. AJ Day”
The phrase “It’s my pleasure” automatically evokes thoughts of Chick-fil-A, but guests dining at Suwanee’s Chick-fil-A on Moore Road enjoy hearing the familiar phrase with a special German accent. Since the store’s opening in January 2007, customers have been loved on by the beloved hostess “Ms. AJ.”
Moore Road was grateful to genuinely surprise Ms. AJ on her recent birthday, creating a community-wide celebration, calling it “Ms. AJ Day.” Friends and family filled the store for five hours, bringing gifts, cards, hugs of appreciation, and expressing their appreciation for just how much eating lunch with Ms. AJ means to them! “It was an honor to celebrate someone so special to so many people!” stated General Manager Jim Woodard.
Suwanee’s Great American Camp Out!
Area residents were invited to spend a night under the stars at Sims Lake Park for some unplugged family fun time for the 2012 Great American Campout event June 30. See our photo gallery from the event at
Miss Suwanee Sweetheart Addison Harris
Pictured is Addison Harris. She raised $800 to capture the title of Miss Suwanee Sweetheart. She also competed in her division and took home her division title of BABY Miss Suwanee! Miss Suwanee with all 42 title holders presented a check in the amount of $20,840 to Mayor Jimmy Burnette in May at Suwanee City Hall.
Donations being accepted for the Laura Sanders-Neidlinger Memorial Fund
Laura J. Sanders-Neidlinger passed away on March 17, 2012 at the age of 38 after a long battle with cervical cancer. In honor of her memory, donations are being collected in order to purchase a piece from the 2011 SculpTour to be placed in the community as a memorial in her honor. If you are interested in making a donation or would like more information, please visit the website, at
Suwanee moves city council meetings to 6:30 p.m.
The city of Suwanee has changed its monthly city council meeting time from 7 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The public hearing will be the first item on the agenda, and once that concludes, the rest of the meeting will immediately follow. Suwanee City Council will typically meet at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The next Council meeting is July 24.
The City of Suwanee will hold a special election July 31 to fill an unexpired city council term.
Jace Brooks resigned his city council post after nearly 10 years of service in order to run for the District 1 seat on the Gwinnett
County Board of Commissioners. Council candidates must be registered voters and have lived within the City limits for 180 days. Candidates may qualify at City Hall, 330 Town Center Avenue, from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. June 25 and 26 and 8:30 a.m.- noon June 27. The qualifying fee is $270. Voting for the City Council post will take place at city hall; those casting ballots must be registered voters living within the city of Suwanee limits. Ballots for the Transportation Investment Act and other items must be cast at voters’ Gwinnett County polling locations. Poll workers are needed for Suwanee’s special election.
Suwanee Attorney Announces plans to run for vacant Suwanee City Council seat.
Suwanee attorney, Beth Hilscher, 41, announced she intends to run for Suwanee City Council in the July special election to fill the unexpired term of Jace Brooks who resigned to run for the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners. Hilscher currently is vice chair of Suwanee’s Downtown Development Authority, which she has been a member of since 2009 and she participated on the Steering Committee for the city’s 20/20 Vision Strategic Plan. She is a member of the Suwanee Main Street Merchant Association and served on the board of the Ruby Forest Homeowners’ Association. Active in numerous community and educational organizations, Hilscher recently graduated from Leadership Gwinnett, the Gwinnett Chamber’s prestigious nine-month leadership training program.