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Every community has remarkable stories of resilience, growth, and transformation. In this special collection, we’re highlighting three inspiring personal wellness success stories submitted by our readers. From overcoming challenges to achieving new milestones, these journeys remind us that the path to well-being looks different for everyone—and that each small victory contributes to a healthier, happier life. Let these heartfelt stories spark motivation and celebrate the power of perseverance.

Aspire to Heal: Julia Kien’s inspirational story about her battle with breast cancer and the gym that rescued her

“Like most young people, I thought I was invincible – I ate whatever I wanted and moved as little as I pleased. Before I found Aspire, the last time I stepped foot in a gym was to pass through it in order to attend a yoga class on the other side of the building.

Everything changed in 2019 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 22 years old. I went from being blissfully indifferent about my health to thinking about it every second of every day. Over the next few years, I was forced to settle into my new life of surgeries, scans, shots, and pills.

By 2022, I had built myself back up from the toll of cancer treatment – mentally and emotionally, at least. But I knew that if I wanted to enjoy a long, full life of traveling and Disney-bounding, I needed to work on my physical strength. Having never felt comfortable in regular gyms, I searched for women’s only gyms and found Aspire. After weeks of hesitating and contemplating, I finally called Anthony and haven’t looked back since.

For the first time in my life, I was able to stick with a weekly workout routine. I was motivated to show up consistently because the coaches at Aspire truly believed that I was capable of being strong and getting stronger.

When I had a cancer recurrence in 2023 and was faced with six months of chemo and radiation, it was the strength I had gained from Aspire that allowed me to fight again. In fact, it saved my life.

I may not be invincible still, but when I’m at Aspire – well, I sure feel damn close!”


Stronger than ever: Cancer survivor Carol Russell’s story of love and hope

I am a breast cancer survivor. This unfortunately was my 40th birthday surprise. Yes… not a good birthday surprise. I had two daughters in elementary school and the thought of not being able to see my girls forge their pathway in life was devastating. Thank goodness I had a wonderful husband who took our wedding vows “through sickness and health” to heart. He was my rock.

After three lumpectomies, it was decided I would have to have a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy. This journey took nine months of my life. I had great friends who stepped in and took our girls to practices and games. Meals were abundant. Family was invaluable. What did I learn at the end of this journey? God, faith, family, and friends can get you through anything. I am a stronger woman now and I feel God has given me a second chance at life. My purpose is now to serve others and share my journey with those who have been given the same devastating news.

I want to inspire and give them hope. My daughters also benefited through this journey. They relied on each other during my battle, and they have a strong bond due to unfortunate circumstances.

My marriage is going on 42 years now. My husband never looked at me differently and was always there to lift me up. Whether you are looking to be more active or find yourself going through something really tough, you can do it! There is power in prayer, never give up, and rely on family and friends. They want to be there for you.

I’m 62 years old now. Fighting cancer changed my life and I want to be as healthy as I can. Staying fit is very important to me. I enjoy 3-mile walks with my dog just about every day. Brisk walking is perfect at my age. Enjoying nature on trails in the woods and of course taking in the Chattahoochee River are my two favorites to hike. Suwanee has such great trails to enjoy! I also try to eat healthy. Fruits and vegetables are the key. Yes, I have a sweet tooth that sometimes prevails, but we need to treat ourselves sometime!


Zeal for Zumba: How a fitness program saved Heather Hale’s life

As someone who has always had a passion for fitness, it was extremely frustrating when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease at a young age. I experienced high blood pressure, weight gain, fatigue, and a laundry list of issues. When I discovered Zumba, a light bulb went off. I started losing weight, lowered my medications, and found both my passion and my tribe! I have now been a Zumba Fitness/group fitness instructor for 17 years! I can truly say I have found what I love to do, and despite being told I would have fertility issues, I gave birth to my first child in December of 2022! I am so grateful to Zumba for helping me find what I love to do and helping me maintain a healthy lifestyle while having fun!