Duluth Fall Festival


Saturday, September 24th and Sunday, September 25th | Downtown Duluth

Duluth Fall Festival is a yearly event not to be missed! With more than 400 volunteers dedicating their time, Duluth Fall Festival exists as the largest festival in the Southeast without any paid staff. Block off your calendar for the last weekend in September, as Downtown Duluth will be taken over by this extravaganza!

A vast variety of booths appealing to every member of the family will be open from 9am to 7pm on Saturday and 9am to 5 pm on Sunday. The weekend’s events and entertainment will be kicked off with a parade at 10am on Saturday morning, followed by an Opening Ceremony at 11:30am. Day 2 of the festival will begin with a 5K Road Race at 8:00am, followed by Worship on the Green at 10am. Back to back entertainment and carnival fun will continue both days, plus FREE shuttle buses throughout the entire festival!

Sponsoring several other events throughout the year, the Festival Committee is also hosting a free festival concert on Saturday, September 10th, featuring ‘On The Border’ – an Eagles Tribute Band. The concert will be held at the Duluth Festival Center, beginning at 6:30pm.

All funds raised by the festivals are contributed to the improvement of Downtown Duluth, totaling over two and a half million dollars thus far. The community thrives on working together to form lasting friendships and an-always growing atmosphere. This year serving as the festivals 34th year in action shows just that!

Visit DuluthFallFestival.org for shuttle locations, special carnival offers and more