Suwanee Art Ties

January 17, 2023 @ 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm America/New York Timezone
Gwinnett County Public Library
Suwanee Branch, 361 Main St, Suwanee, GA 30024

A new program dedicated to the arts is forming in Suwanee.The Gwinnett County Public Library Suwanee branch andthe Suwanee Arts Center are working together to bring thevisual arts and art programming to the community with anew program called Art Ties. The name plays off the nearbytrain tracks and the rail ties.

The goal of the collaboration is to provide art educationfor all ages and encourage creativity and engagementin the visual arts.     
It will feature two Suwanee Arts Center Photographers forsimultaneous programs:

Traci Dickson will present “The Photographer’s Eye – The Wonderof Looking Closely” for children ages 10-13.

Gary Bowlick will present “The Wonder of Photography: Light,Subject and Composition” for adults interested in gainingknowledge about photography.