How to Grow a Healthy Business Network


BY: CJ Chun
Atlanta Insurance Consulting

Reid Hoffman stated that the secret to successful business networking is with every professional you meet – you seek first to help, then to receive. He went on to become perhaps the most beloved and powerful networker in the west and perhaps the world. It is with this mantra he gave birth to the professional networking site called LinkedIn.

At a micro level, different networking groups can serve as great venues to increase your visibility. If done well, you can grow a healthy business network. How do you make sure you don’t waste your time and effort? Here are some principles to keep in mind.

First, plant the seeds…and be seen. At the Suwanee Business Alliance (SBA), for example, when you attend regularly, people remember you, and over time familiarity breeds trust. It is okay to be shy (like me). Hide behind a beverage, and people will naturally come to you to say “Hi.” A corollary to this is to avoid the shotgun method (pass out cards to every person without courtesy). More importantly, avoid the shotgun and the one-night-stand combo – show up once, pass out cards and disappear into the night. This is truly a waste of time. Better to go home and read a book to your child.

Second, water the seeds… and build friendships. Make an effort to grab coffee or lunch with everyone you meet. The network meeting is for introductions, and simply passing out business cards does not work. You have to “water the seeds.” Do not pre-qualify people and reject meetings because “you don’t have a sale.” I’ve often been surprised by friendships I’ve built and connections my newfound friends have made for me. In turn, I’ve made introductions for mortgage, banking, restaurant and catering services to neighbors and clients, simply introducing one friend to another!

Third, prune and weed…and build trust. This is a natural outflow of the second principle. Over time, neglected friendships grow cold and get crowded “by weeds”—namely, your competition. Shoot an email, make a phone call, or have lunch again with those whom you’ve built rapport. When a friend mentions a service you provide, you’ll be at the forefront of their mind.

The SBA is a unique place to build your business footprint with neighbors while helping to keep the community atmosphere that has made this city one of the Top 10 Places to Live.

Here are some tips when visiting the SBA:
1) Laugh at all of President Ed Szczesniak’s jokes… even when they’re not funny.
2) Enjoy the food and libations.
3) Enter for a chance to win door prizes each month just for showing up.
4) Support fellow members of the SBA, and in turn, they’ll support you. For example, I met my optometrist (Dr. Gossan), my PnC insurance agent (John Blackstock), my favorite printer (Jim Anderson) and coffee shop (Dave and Rita Patel), among others.
5) Finally, make a friend or two before leaving!

The SBA meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at different business locations in town. For more info: