Letter From The Editor: HEALTH + WELLNESS IN 2025


As we step into the new year, it’s a natural time to reflect on our goals and the changes we can make to improve our lives. Part of reaching new goals and growing is doing hard things. For each of us, this can look different. I try to exercise at least three to four times a week, five during a really good week. But sometimes it only happens once or twice, especially in winter when it’s cold and the days are short.

I’ll never forget a morning last year when my parents were visiting. They left early to get on the road around 5:30 a.m. Contemplating whether to head to spin class or go back to bed, my mom encouraged me saying, “You should go. You’ll feel better later.” She was right. I’ve never regretted a workout, and I always feel better afterward. That reminder has stuck with me. Whether it’s exercising, having a tough conversation, or tackling a task you’ve been putting off… just do it. You will look back with relief and be glad you did.

This year’s health and wellness issue is dedicated to helping you find balance and prioritize self-care. Inside, you’ll find ideas and practical tips for winter wellness on p. 34, inspiring stories from readers right here in our community who have faced adversity and become stronger because of it on p. 32, and insights to guide you on your journey to better health — mind, body, and spirit. Don’t miss our Health and Wellness Guide on p. 22, showcasing local businesses that offer valuable services and resources to help you on your health and wellness journey. On top of being home to incredible parks, trails, gyms, and activities, our community is alive with incredible stories of people living out their dreams as a result of hard work and dedication. On p. 16, read about how Lauren Irving, who grew up in Suwanee, is performing with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s The Greatest Show on Earth. On p. 67, learn about Travis Hunter, a wide receiver and cornerback for the Colorado Buffaloes, who won the Heisman trophy in December, an honor awarded to the top college football player in the nation.

Discover the professional women’s volleyball team, Atlanta Vibe, going into their second season (p. 18); the story behind Clayton Dental, a cornerstone in the community since 2003 (p. 10); and meet Nora, the passionate founder of Living Well Farmers Market (p. 70).

As you begin the new year, we hope this issue inspires you to take care of yourself, pursue your goals, and appreciate the people and stories that make our community so vibrant.

Here’s to a year of good health, happiness, and growth!
