IF LAUREN IRVING’S journey to becoming the professional performer she is today could be summed up by the intersection of two ideologies, they would be “talent” and “passion.” Not only are those themes evident within her career, but they are focal points that she holds at the forefront of her life. Lauren was born in Norcross, raised in Suwanee, and attended both North Gwinnett and Peachtree Ridge high schools (the latter being her alma mater). Always a fan of the arts, Lauren attributes much of her growth and evolution to her Gwinnett County upbringing. She says, “Gwinnett in itself is so unique because of its education system and its appreciation for the arts. I think being in that environment really helped me; it was encouraging.” Now, she’s returning to Duluth in the role of Aria for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey’s The Greatest Show on Earth, and her excitement to fulfill this role in front of an audience full of friends and family is tangible.

A Passion for Music and People

Lauren’s past professional endeavors vary in specifics, yet they both hold her two greatest passions at the center: music and people. She lived out her dream role as a performer at Walt Disney World and was able to travel around the globe during her time as an actor with Norwegian Cruise Lines. However, her role in The Greatest Show on Earth has been special for her in a way she didn’t anticipate. She says, “Becoming a part of this community was something that I didn’t know I needed or would fulfill me so much. I work with the most unique, talented, hardworking individuals every week, but in general, making people feel happy, amazed, and inspired is what I absolutely love.”

 Bringing People Together

An advocate for humanity and kindness, Lauren strives to use her platform and experiences to bring people together –whether she’s performing on the stage or having a conversation. When asked about why she considers the circus to be so special, she responds, “It’s the importance of human connection. We could put on glitzy lights, costumes, this effect and that, but at the end of the day there’s something so magical about the human connection that’s formed at the circus – it’s what makes the experience so successful and impactful for people.”

Lauren’s homecoming will take place in February of 2025 as she performs at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta before making her way to Duluth’s Gas South Arena. She is enthusiastic to return to the very stage she crossed as a Peachtree Ridge graduate – this time in a role she describes as being “completely her” – and hopes to see familiar faces in the audience. When asked to reflect on this experience she says, “‘Full circle’ is the best way to describe how I feel, but at the same time it’s even more than that. To think that there was a time where I had no idea what to expect for my life, and [to see] how it turned out even better than what I imagined… fills me with so much gratitude. I can’t help but smile and feel fulfilled.”

Visit to get your tickets to The Greatest Show on Earth today! February 14-17 at State Farm Arena (Atlanta) and February 21-23 at Gas South Arena (Duluth).