We’re no Angels!


If you’ve ever been to a Suwanee Business Alliance meeting, you’d know that. We’re just local friends, neighbors, and business folks, who like to get together, meet, exchange business ideas, joke, tease each other, enjoy a drink, good music, great food, and do what we can to improve our lives and the lives of those in our community.

On any second Wednesday of the month, you can find us somewhere around Suwanee enjoying each other’s company for a couple of hours, sharing the good fortune that has brought us to this great city that allows us to grow our businesses in this little town. We don’t do much “meeting,” we don’t have any speeches (unless you count about 10 minutes of welcoming our guests, drawing a few business cards to award some pretty nice gifts donated by our members), and we don’t ask for leads, donations or anything else.

And there is one other thing. We use the money raised from our annual dues and the annual golf tournament to help individuals and charities in our community. We all smile when we can help someone or some group, but to be honest, I think the thing that makes us all smile the most is when, at our annual Christmas Party, we hand a check and a truckload or two of toys to a couple of United States Marine volunteers so that a few less fortunate children can have a little nicer Christmas.

We are not a charitable organization. We’re a local business networking group, and a somewhat irreverent, rag tag bunch at that. But the one thing we all have is a big heart and it seems like those big hearts suddenly grow just a little bigger when it comes to
kids and Christmas.

When we get together, we “eat, drink, and be merry,” and we do this not only to help ourselves and our businesses grow, but also to share our good fortune in small ways with those around us who could use a little boost, a little smile, a little more love – especially at Christmas time.

Angels? Nope. Just you, me, and about 240 local folks who want to make a difference in some way for someone out there.
You’re invited to be a guest at one of our monthly gatherings (although you need to be a member to attend our Annual Christmas Party) and check your wings at the door – NO ANGELS ALLOWED!



The SBA meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at different business locations in town. For more info: Suwanee.org

BY: Ed Szczesniak
President, SBA and Owner/Designer Georgian Landscape Design