Alive Festival: Natural Health & Wellness Festival Comes to Town Center Park


On Saturday, October 22nd from 10am-6pm The Alive! Festival will be returning to Suwanee Town Center Park! The festival is an annual Green Living and Eco Lifestyle festival promoting “all things and products that are natural, organic and green.”

This free event features multiple eco-friendly vendors, live entertainment and a Family Fun Zone with activities for children of all ages! Festival attendees are invited to learn how to integrate health and wellness, plus natural, organic and green products into environmental responsible eco-living.

The Alive! Festival benefits Project Green, a local non-profit whose mission is to invest in “A Green Tomorrow.” Project Green invests in and protects green space within the Southeastern United States. Additionally, Project Green will develop, launch and run an annual “Back to Basics” Summer Camp for underprivileged children and teenagers. This program will teach kids and young people how to interact with one another by focusing on building self-esteem and awareness of the environment by incorporating challenging and fun activities.

*For more information, go to