Drink to Good Health


Exploring the surprising health benefits of wine, beer, and spirits

By: Sean Wilborn, Tasting Room Manager, Chateau Elan Winery & Resort

You’ve heard by now that a glass of wine a day is actually quite good for you. Recently, loads of research has been committed to the topic of wine, beer and spirits and their beneficial qualities to our health. From resveratrol being the next fountain of youth to alcohol improving memory, it’s enough to inspire one into being a lush! But, before you go down gallons of the good stuff, here’s how to get the most out of your next glass.

All things in moderation they say and this is no exception. Doctors suggest one glass of wine a day for women, and no more than two glasses for men. Red wine has a whole host of potentially healthy benefits. The grape’s skins and seeds, which remain in process when making red wine, leach out their beneficial phenolic compounds. These are natural antioxidants that have shown to be quite promising in cardiovascular health.

It has recently been found that the Tannat grape has the highest level of beneficial phenolic compounds. Look for wines from Madiran AOC, a wine appellation in South West France or wines from Uruguay where it is now deemed the national grape. Resveratrol, as it turns out, is more hype than help. But there are so many healthful benefits in wine that we’ll let that one fade out like the 1990’s.

Wine is not your thing you say? Well you are in luck! It turns out our fellows at the Harvard School of Public Health have found that any alcoholic beverage can reduce your risk of heart disease by 40%! Say what? Yes indeed it is true. Alcohol has the ability of reducing the bad cholesterol in your body (LDL) and lifting up the good cholesterol (HDL) which helps reduce some of the blood problems that typically lead to disastrous results.

It’s not just the heart that benefits from a few hot toddies. A recent study by the American Journal of Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias found that alcohol has the potential to improve memory in seniors above the age of 60. It was discovered that alcohol provided better episodic memory, or the ability to remember specific events. Another reason to imbibe…all in the name of your health of course!

Therefore, one glass of spirits would be considered a healthy daily dose, or a couple of crafty beers. Yes you craft beer lovers are not left out! Craft beers have a lovely dose of soluble silica, which provides essential bone health. Additionally, craft beers are handy in replacing much-needed electrolytes after physical exertion. So grabbing a cold beer after a long run makes perfect sense!

Responsible consumption is paramount. After all, alcohol can bring with it its own health concerns and diseases. So please enjoy your favorite beverage in moderation, but enjoy it even more knowing it’s all in the name of good health!