Get fit Suwanee




You’ve made the same New Year’s resolution time and time again in year’s past, but you’ve never been able to stick with it. “I’m going to get fit this year, exercise regularly and eat healthy.” But every year, something stands in the way of you and your goal. Perhaps you just don’t have enough time balancing work and family. Or you’re simply too tired and lose your motivation. Whatever the obstacle, this year it is time to get inspired and motivated, and Suwanee Magazine wants to help.

Perhaps it is not surprising that according to the website, and several others, resolutions concerning weight loss, getting fit and exercise are among the top resolutions made. But also states that the percentage of people who keep and maintain their resolution decreases over time. After just six months the percentage drops below 50 percent to 46 percent. What makes it so difficult to stick with a workout program and what are some things we can do to help keep motivating and inspiring us to stick with the resolution to “Get Fit.” We had some of the experts in and around Suwanee weigh in on the subject.

Lack of support and no one to hold them accountable is something that Sonya Dubé of Rainbow Pilates said was a factor in not sticking with the resolution.

Donilynn Hodge of B.L.A.S.T. Fitness, brought up the fact that people tend to lose their confidence and motivation when they don’t see or feel changes quickly enough but following a plan is crucial.

Chris Palmer of Gold’s Gym, Ronnie Collins of go performance John Drummond of the Atlanta Silverbacks and Dube’ all agreed not having a plan can make a get fit resolution difficult to keep.

“When making what can be a life altering decision such as immediately flipping the coin to a healthy lifestyle from an unhealthy one, you have to manage the progressions and the best way to do that is to set small, realistic, achievable goals and allow for minor set backs which can motivate you to get back on schedule,” Collins said.

Palmer said the key is to have a “realistic plan.”

John Drummond of the Atlanta Silverbacks added that your exercise and workout routine should be a priority.

“Trying to squeeze exercise or workouts into the day instead of adjusting their schedule to suit workouts will only lead to exercise falling further down the priority list,” Drummond said.

To stick to your resolution to “get fit in 2012”  Drummond said to make sure that you start off small and work your way up.

“Trying to do too much too soon only frustrates and discourages people,” he said. “Make your goals achievable and maintainable. Increase your targets gradually. People that get fit and stay fit are more likely to increase self esteem as well as reducing stress levels.”

Palmer said it’s about setting small, attainable goals and improving from week to week such as how many meals were improved upon, how many classes did I attend at the gym this week, did I talk myself out of the fast-food drive-thru?

And Dubé  added that if you’re taking a class, like yoga for example, focus on mastering one thing such as a pose.

“Once you find a routine that’s safe and doable for your fitness level, these activities will slowly start to get easier and you’ll start to enjoy yourself more and more – both during your actual workout and, as you become more fit, in your everyday life,” Dubé said.

You’ll also want to add variety to any workout routine.  Hodge said it’s also important to keep challenging the body with different exercises and proper nutrition if you want to continue to see improvements.

“Every year people have the same goals to lose weight and to get fit,” Hodge said. “If what we did last year didn’t work, why do we continue to try to achieve those goals in the same way?”

Getting fit and staying fit is not just about looking good and feeling good today, it’s about quality of life.

“Leading a healthy lifestyle, hands down has a tremendous positive impact on our quality of life,” Collins said.

“Quality of life is important at any age, but is critical as we get older.”

According to Palmer, in the year 2000, there were 45.6 million people older than 60 years of age and 281.4 million Americans. By year 2030, it’s projected that there will be 92.1 million people older than 60 years of age and 373.5 million Americans.

“With the ever increasing quantity of baby-boomers entering the 60+ age market, it’s imperative that we do everything in our power to improve our overall level of good-health,” Palmer said.

Hodge said without quality of life all you can do is sit on the sidelines and let your body dictate your participation. “Fitness allows each of us to participate fully in all that life has to offer,” she said. So get in the game and you take control.”

Set your personal goals.

“Set personal goals with each session… push yourself a little with each class… sooner or later you will be an expert and motivating someone new in the class.” 

– Sonya Dubé, Rainbow Pilates


“Hydrating before working out is essential. Drink plenty of water before your workout. Warming up before your workout is important in preparing your body and increasing your heart rate.”     

– John Drummond,  Silverbacks Sports Center

Start at your pace.

If you are just starting, or “just starting back”… Pick the one or two components you can picture yourself doing (or something you think you might enjoy trying) and shoot for just TWO thirty minute sessions your first week.

Hint: If you go at YOUR pace, you can.probably end up doing 60 minutes and surpassing  your goal, making it easier to accomplish on week two!

– Chris Palmer, Gold’s Gym

Add weight training.

It’s important to add weight training to help metabolism. The inclusion of fast twitch muscle fiber stimulation into an exercise regimen is essential to increasing the body’s basil metabolic rate (BSM). The BSM is important because this is the rate that your body burns calories while resting. Of course you burn calories while exercising, but the key aspect of training is creating a heightened furnace of calorie burning that burns calories while you are not in the gym!

– Steve Putman, B.L.A.S.T. Fitness

Don’t skip breakfast.

Most people I  encounter skip breakfast. That said, between the last meal of the day, sleeping, and skipping breakfast in the morning, one can go up to as many as 12 to 18 hours before their first meal. This is detrimental to one’s Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). During this 12-18 hrs the body actually depletes glycogen then uses the leanest source of energy available for fuel, muscle, not fat! The end result is muscle loss, which decreases RMR then in turn the body stores more fat.

– Ronnie Collins, go performance