Halloween Safety


Some Tips Courtesy of The Goddard School Johns Creek Suwanee

Johns Creek Suwanee, Ga. (Grassroots Newswire) September 20, 2012 — It’s trick-or-treat time.  Here are some tips courtesy of The Goddard School located at Johns Creek Suwanee to help keep your youngsters safe this Halloween.

Dress children in light-colored or reflective costumes
Help your child select a safe costume – fire-proof, with eye holes large enough for peripheral vision, or with no face coverings at all
Be careful with props – they can cause an injury if child falls
Be careful if carving a pumpkin.  Consider allowing children to scoop out the inside and painting the pumpkin instead of using knives.
Keep lighted- jack-o-laterns at a safe distance from children and clear of walkways.  Consider using a light source other than a candle.
Start early and provide flashlights for your children and trim costumes and bags with reflective tape
Use sidewalks and cross streets at corners.  Remind children to look both ways
Eat dinner before treating – this might reduce candy-eating
Check all candy and treats once collected – discard any opened or damaged candy
If you’re wondering what costumes are popular this year, PreK and Preschool students at the Goddard School Johns Creek picked princess, fairy and witch for girls with super heroes and pirates favorites among boys.  This matches the National Retail Federation survey for top costumes – princess, pirate, witch, spider-man, pumpkin and Fairy.

The Goddard School Johns Creek Suwanee offers a program, for children ages six weeks to eight years, that focuses on building a strong and balanced foundation of emotional, social, cognitive and physical skills for each child.  We have credentialed teachers, low teacher/student ratios and a strong curriculum.   Parents are encouraged to drop in for a tour of the Goddard School Johns Creek Suwanee (4410 Johns Creek Parkway, Suwanee, Ga. 30024) or call Susan Masten directly at (678) 475-0701 to arrange a personal appointment.