Letter from the Editor: Next Chapters


Ever since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to be a writer. And not just a writer, but a magazine writer. I’m an ’80s baby who grew up throughout the ’90s and early 2000s, during one of the heights of magazine publishing. I found refuge in the glossy pages of Seventeen, Teen, and my personal favorite, YM. Being a writer was cool, but being a magazine writer was even better. The image of cool-girl writers was splashed all over our screens, from 13 Going on 30 and The Devil Wears Prada to How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and, of course, who was cooler than Carrie Bradshaw skipping through the streets of New York City in stilettos with an overdue deadline? Even Ugly Betty’s titular Betty, a quirky Mode Magazine assistant, and Josie “Grossie,” a copy editor who had never been kissed, both dreamed of breaking through as writers.

I’ve been fortunate that over the last 15 years, I’ve worked for some amazing publications. I interned at Jezebel Magazine in Buckhead, cut my teeth with a 10-year tenure at Creative Loafing in Atlanta, and then landed here at Suwanee Magazine. For the past six years, I’ve had the privilege of being immersed in this amazing community, meeting wonderful people and getting the chance to tell their stories. I’ve been really, really lucky. My dream of being a writer — a writer for a magazine, no doubt — came true. And I’m so very grateful.

That’s why it’s so hard to believe that this is my final editor’s note for Suwanee Magazine. A number of emotions run through me as I think about this next chapter, which takes me out of my comfort zone filled with so many happy memories, fun experiences, and an incredible team. I’ve truly never worked with a more supportive, generous, kind, and creative group of people. A team who has grown from colleagues to friends to family. A team who helped me survive a very difficult period in my life while also uplifting me and cheering me on as I weathered the storm and grew into the woman I am today. I’ve experienced more personal growth during the past few years than any other time in my life, and most of that growth was made possible by my friends at Suwanee Magazine and Veugeler Creative. (Love you, Tiff.)

As I enter this next chapter — this next adventure — I’m filled with excitement but also a bit of fear. How will anything ever compare to my experience here? It’s like driving with the windows down on a beautiful day following a winding road toward a new destination, but the natural feelings of sadness and doubt cloud the sky above. I finally understand what Jerry Garcia meant when he sang, “Every silver lining’s got a touch of grey.” But we will get by.

You’ve been so good to me, Suwanee. Thank you for six wonderful years. Here’s wishing you a summer filled with new adventures, too. And if you need some suggestions on where to start, turn to p. 18.