Life Hacks for a Fulfilled Life

Life Hacks For A Fulfilled Life

By: SCOTT MAWDESLEY, Founder Write One Line

I often meet people who are stressed out and overwhelmed by the speed and complexity of life. Maybe you can relate?! In fact, in over two decades of coaching and developing people, I have discovered that living a “full” life doesn’t always translate into living the “full”filled life we all hope for. It’s easy to run hard and fast into a full life, but never find the fulfilled life we are truly looking for. For many years, this was true of my own life until I discovered some important keys in moving from the full life I had chosen to the fulfilled life I wanted.

Here are some techniques I have learned to help you move into more fulfilled places in your own life:

If you want to say yes to the right things, you must say no to most things

The most practical way I have learned to do this is “nice to” vs. “need to”. When an opportunity comes my way, I always ask, “Is this something I absolutely need to do?” If so, I do it, if not I usually say no because I want to keep my time free for the things that matter most.

You need to get clear about what matters most

If you haven’t written down the things that matter most to you then you might be missing the opportunities that could lead to fulfillment. Take some time today to write down the things that are most valuable to you and then start making decisions to invest in those things!

If you add something to your life, you need to take something away

Most people I know excel at adding things to their lives but stink at taking things away. If you don’t keep a “stop-doing” list alongside your “start-doing” list you will be become ineffective and ultimately burn out. If you want to live fulfilled you need to stop doing some things today.

scott mawdesleyScott Mawdesley, Founder, “Write One Line” has invested over 2 decades of his life in helping others grow to deeper places spiritually. He is presently a pastor at 12Stone Church and an advocate for the deeper life through his company Write One Line, which he founded to provide soul care for leaders through coaching, training and contemplative retreats – He lives with his wife and two children in Buford, GA.