Local Students Create Homegrown Zoo


A group of Rivermoore Park residents ages 6-10 recently channeled their inner zookeepers. Over the last few months, the kids have worked diligently researching animals indigenous to Suwanee’s Rivermoore Park, collecting them in various habitats, and caring for them throughout that period with a goal to protect them from their natural predators. The children unveiled their hard work at a small event in May, where they showcased what they’ve learned about the different species, the care and upkeep of the animals, and their environments. Students Noah and Logan spearheaded the effort. “Noah wanted to catch animals and I wanted to start a business, so we decided to start a zoo,” Logan said. The zoo consisted of 15 species of reptiles and amphibians from the neighborhood, including turtles, snakes, lizards, salamanders, and more. In addition to learning about the animals, the group did a lot of research online and created a business plan for their zoo ahead of the grand opening.