Meet Beth Hilscher

Interview with Suwanee’s Newest City Council Member

After serving as a Suwanee City Council member for nearly 10 years, Jace Brooks resigned to run for Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners, and as a result, Suwanee City Council welcomed new council member, Beth Hilscher, who ran unopposed, to her first meeting in July.

At Suwanee Magazine, we wanted to learn more about Suwanee’s newest council member, so here is a little more information about Hilscher, her family, and her plans for the community.

Hilscher is a practicing attorney with an office in Suwanee since 2000. She has been married for 15 years to her best friend, Steve, who works in medical supply sales. Their son, Ryan, is a sophomore at North Gwinnett High School, and will soon be an Eagle Scout. Their daughter Emily, 12, is a seventh grader at North Gwinnett Middle School and is a girl scout. Emily also plays soccer. Both children are active with the youth group at Sugarloaf United Methodist Church.

Suwanee Magazine: How long have you been a Suwanee resident? And what made you choose Suwanee?
Hilscher: I have lived in Suwanee for 13 + years. My husband and I knew we wanted to live in Gwinnett due to its highly regarded school system and we were just starting our family. We feel fortunate that we landed here – we had no idea of how great of a community Suwanee would become.

SM: When and how did you get involved with the city of Suwanee and what compelled you to do so?
Hilscher: Shortly after moving my office to Main Street, I became involved in the Downtown Development Authority. Naturally, I was interested in the economic vitality of the downtown area. Serving on the DDA has been a good stepping stone to becoming more involved in the community.

SM: What made you decide to join the Suwanee City Council?
Hilscher: I have considered running for Suwanee City Council for the past few years; however, in previous years, I felt I had too much on my plate to take on the role effectively. In addition to building my law practice and serving on various business and civic organizations, I served on the PTA, the Homeowners Association Board and coached youth soccer. Last spring, I completed Leadership Gwinnett and am no longer involved with some of my previous activities, so the time seemed to be right. More importantly, I feel like my children are now at good ages. We discussed the commitment as a family and the decision was made with my family’s full support.

SM: What do you think is your greatest strength that you bring to the council?
Hilscher: I would say the greatest strength I bring to city council is the fact I am fully invested in the community. I am raising my family in Suwanee, I have a home in Suwanee, and I operate my business in Suwanee. I have benefited from all that Suwanee has had to offer for the past 13 + years, and now I want to do my part to make sure that Suwanee continues to be a wonderful place.

SM: What would you like to accomplish as a member of Suwanee City Council?
Hilscher: My first priority is to serve honestly, with common sense, and with fiscal responsibility. One thing I would like to see completed is the establishment of a non-restrictive, National Historic District Registry in the old town area giving property owners within that district potential tax incentives for rehabilitating and improving their historic properties. It is an endeavor that was initiated last winter and was supported by the DDA. The application is now pending approval. Additionally, like many of my neighbors who voiced their opinion through the 20/20 Strategic Vision planning process, I would also like to see continued improvements made along the I-85 gateway area in order to ensure the entrance to our city is safe and aesthetically pleasing so as to attract new business and spur economic growth in our community.

SM: Suwanee’s motto is Live, Work and Play. What are a couple of your favorite things about Suwanee and how do you spend your leisure time?
Hilscher: Living in Ruby Forest, we are fortunate we have easy access to Suwanee Parks without getting in our cars. We love to cycle or walk our dogs on the trails at George Pierce Park to access the Suwanee Greenway or Town Center Park. And of course, we take part in many of the fabulous events held at Town Center Park.