SBA: Member Comments


The SBA meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at different business locations in town. For more info:

I’m a member of the SBA because it allows Quantum National Bank to support the small businesses in our community and to build long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with them. I enjoy our meetings because that’s where the relationships blossom. It’s always fun to mingle with business owners who are also friends and neighbors. We all share the mutual goal of building strong businesses to help strengthen the Suwanee community.
– Dana Litman
Chief Financial Officer & SVP
Quantum National Bank

SBA has provided me with many valuable connections, mainly with local business owners who are striving for success the same way I am. I don’t feel like just a small number in a large pool of people, kind of like shopping at a large supermarket versus the local mom and pop shop where you will get some TLC with your experience. The casual atmosphere really allows me to position my company(s) to members and approach others without the need of a strict business environment. While professional demeanors are definitely valued, we are allowed to loosen up and talk on a more personal level to understand each other’s business practices and find out the ‘whys’ rather than just the ‘whats.’
– Pete Patel, Lab Testing Solutions

We joined the Suwanee Business Alliance to build business relationships and friendships within the local community. We love going to the meetings to hear about upcoming events in the community and what opportunities might exist to give back. We were welcomed with open arms when we first joined, and obviously the more involved you become, the more opportunities present themselves. It is definitely an association that is worth way more than the small annual fee to join.
– Bob and Starla Pellegrino
Owners of Pooch-N-Paws

No wonder this group has grown from a small handful of business folks to over 200+ members. You should try it and find out why comments like those above are just a small sample of what we have to offer you, your business, and our community!
– Ed Szczesniak
Owner/Designer Georgian Landscape Design

The SBA is a great way to get involved in Suwanee. I have been a member of the SBA for over ten years. I meet people from many different businesses, find out what they do and have to offer me and the community and how we can help and their businesses grow and prosper.
– Richard Trice
Former Mayor of Suwanee/Current SBA President

SBA meetings afford me the opportunity to see some of my financial planning clients on a monthly basis, and to just enjoy new and old friends among the membership, all in a relaxed setting.
– Barry W. Calano,
Financial Advisor
Level Creek Wealth, Inc.

We joined SBA to meet other business owners in the Suwanee area. It has been great for me because the Suwanee Business Alliance really believes in using other members for business. We go to as many meetings as we can. My wife and I have only missed one in 18 months. We love the business and social aspects of the group. And it’s well worth the $60 per year.
– John Ferroni
President IPS Agency