Suwanee Business Alliance: Teeing Up For Charity

SBA Golf Tournament April 25, 2017

By: Julie Perdue President, Suwanee Business Alliance 

On April 25th, 2017, Suwanee Business Alliance will host its 16th annual golf tournament held at Bears Best in Suwanee. This is an awesome course and we are looking for corporate sponsors, players, hole sponsors, volunteers and anyone wanting to lend a hand and have a blast teeing up and raising money for local charities! All proceeds will go to local charities throughout the year. There will be amazing door prizes, a putting contest, longest ball and awards. There will even be a Professional Long Drive Hitter hitting tee shots on a par 5. He can hit 400 yards – more than most pro golfers! The fee includes breakfast and lunch after the tournament. There is no rain allow

Visit our next meeting on March 8th from 6-8 pm at American Redemption in Suwanee for details or sign up at Invite friends, co-workers and associates for one of the best golf tournaments of the year and SBA’s only fundraiser of the year.
If you haven’t played this tournament before then you’ve missed out on a great day! Statistically, 94% of our players cannot honestly call themselves “golfers”. Our “best ball” format basically means that one of the people in your foursome has to be able to actually hit the ball, not necessarily far, not necessarily well and onto the fairway. So don’t be intimated by those real golfers out there. But we are serious about having fun, networking and raising money for charities and families in need in our community. We need you. Let’s make this our biggest tournament yet!