Three Gwinnett Cities Cancel Events Through July 10


On May 1, the City of Suwanee announced that three Gwinnett County cities, Duluth, Lawrenceville and Suwanee, have collectively agreed to halt hosting large-scale public events on city properties through July 10, 2020. The cities made the decision in an effort to further reduce the community spread of COVID-19.

“With summer quickly approaching, we have to make hard decisions regarding large scale events now. We hate to cancel our July 3rd celebration, but for an event of this scale the planning needs to happen now and there are simply too many unknowns,” said Nancy Harris, Duluth Mayor.

“As a result of the requirements to maintain physical distance, we are taking further actions to safeguard our community,” said Lawrenceville City Manager Chuck Warbington. “We greatly appreciate the ongoing cooperation and support of our citizenry in order to reduce the risk.”

City officials continue to closely follow events associated with the outbreak and spread of COVID-19, as well as recommendations from public health officials and state and federal government.

“The need to modify this date will be evaluated in mid-June,” said Suwanee City Manager Marty Allen. “Should circumstances change we will respond appropriately and adjust accordingly.”