9Round Fitness


Kickboxing is a fun and exciting whole body high- intensity (HIIT) workout that anyone can do no matter age, fitness level, or level of experience. It is a great way to lose weight, build endurance and confidence, and relieve stress. At 9Round Fitness in Suwanee’s Town Center, personal trainers actively push you to meet your fitness goals, and at the end of every workout students leave feeling empowered and accomplished. Plus, the workout changes every day so you’ll never get bored. Don’t let the fear of getting hit keep you from trying out a class — with kickboxing fitness you never get punched. The workout consists of punching and kicking a variety of different bags, including heavy bags and speed bags. Kickboxing classes also incorporate weights, jump rope, and other fitness equipment. 9Round’s trainers work to build strength in the upper body, lower body, and core all in the same workout. Members burn anywhere from 250 to 500 calories during the 30-minute workout. Kickboxing not only works the body but the mind as well by mixing up the combination of punches and kicks.

No experience is required to take a class at 9Round because the instructors are always present to teach proper form, help with technique, and walk you through the workout. Most of 9Round’s members have never had any type of kickboxing training, so everyone starts at the same level of skill. The workout can be tailored to each individual’s fitness requirements, anywhere from a medical weight loss program to a professional athlete. All fitness levels are welcome.

9Round Fitness is located at 310 Town Center Ave., Suite A1, in Suwanee. 678-288-4877. 9Round.com.