Atlanta Flooring Design Centers expands in Gwinnett County


Headquartered in Suwanee, Atlanta Flooring Design Centers has been a leading name in the flooring industry since 1985. The new facility is located directly across from their 36,000 square foot Suwanee showroom at 3665 Swiftwater Park Drive.

AFDC provides a variety of products and services, including: professional design, expert flooring installation, as well as kitchen and bath remodeling, such as cabinetry and countertops.

The new 22,000 square foot building boasts an additional warehouse and office space, as well as a new concept showroom that caters to “DIY” homeowners looking to undertake home improvement projects.

The company’s expansion has been a product of the 30 new hires that have come on board since July of this year. AFDC currently employs approximately 110 people at their Suwanee location and an additional 30 at their Charlotte and Birmingham locations combined.

Atlanta Flooring Designs Centers’ success stems from a strong belief in supporting
the local community. The company enjoys being involved in many charitable endeavors, including Annandale Village, Atlanta Mission, Operation OneVoice, Relay for Life and a variety of local church ministry projects.