Cutest Pup Contest Winner 2016


And the winner is…French Fry!

French Fry is a 9 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. French Fry loves to go for walks in Suwanee Town Center Park where he knows he will always gets lots of belly rubs and attention. Boating is his next favorite pasttime. When French Fry is onstage as a fashion show dog, he seems to think he is the four-legged James Bond. He is always a crowd pleaser and you never know what he will do. Once he stopped mid-stage to give a pretty lady on the front row a wet kiss. This is how he earned his nickname “The Kissing Bandit.” French Fry LOVES the UPS man. If he can, he slips right out the door, runs past the UPS guy and jumps in his truck. We think he is applying to be the first doggie UPS employee. French Fry has a big heart and is even donating his prize from this contest to his doggie friends at the Georgia SPCA in Suwanee. Unknown-14French Fry is a fashion show dog. He dresses up and walks the runway for no-kill rescue groups all over the country. French Fry has helped raise almost $200,000 for this cause and even kicked off Fashion Week in Palm Desert, California!

Runner-Up: Skippyskippy

Skippy is a 1-year old English Sheepdog. Although he only has 3 legs you would never know from his friendly demeanor, mischievous personality and boundless energy. He loves to run and play with his older sister, Sunshine, and chases after any object you throw.

After being deemed unfit by a breeder, Skippy was brought to the Old English Sheepdog Rescue Network of the Southeast as a 12-week old pup. One of his front legs had been crushed and never reset properly. After much deliberation, Dr. Tim Jackson at the Heart of Suwanee Animal Hospital recommended the amputation of his leg. Skippy was such a trooper! He never cried, never missed a beat and was quickly running around again on 3 legs. Skippy was lovingly adopted and now helps his family host other foster dogs in their home. He wants to show them that even rescue pups can end up having wonderful lives too!

Over 60 adorable pups entered this year’s contest and thousands of votes were cast over the 2-week voting period! Suwanee Magazine would like to say thank you to Pooch N Paws, Unleashed Creations Pet Spa and Blue Grasshopper Creations for sponsoring the 3rd annual Suwanee Magazine Cutest Pup Contest!