Elevate Functional Medicine is Now Open in Suwanee


Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Experience the difference personalized medicine can make. Elevate Functional Medicine delivers wellness-centered healthcare, focusing on finding the root cause of your unwanted symptoms. Working together, in partnership, Elevate Functional Medicine will help you achieve and maintain your best health.

During your visit you can expect to spend up to two hours with a medical provider who will review your complete medical history, perform a thorough physical exam and design an integrative treatment plan created just for you. Your plan may include nutrition and exercise guidelines, support for sleep and stress, as well recommendations for supplements and other integrative therapy modalities.

Elevate Functional Medicine specializes in male and female hormone balance (bio- identical hormones); women’s health conditions; hypothyroidism; Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis; adrenal fatigue; digestive dysfunction; food allergies and sensitivities; autoimmune conditions; depression, anxiety and stress; chronic fatigue; diabetes; memory loss; detoxification; and anti-aging skin care.

Elevate Functional Medicine is located at 4485 Tench Road, Suite 740, in Suwanee. For more information call 470-266-1380 or visit ElevateFunctionalMedicine.com.