Suwanee Father and Son Both Publish New Books


Tommy Aaron, 12-year-old Suwanee resident has written and published a nearly 300-page sci-fi fantasy novel, Magyka: The Fifth Element. Tommy was inspired by his father, Rich Aaron, who just self-published a children’s book, If I Had a Giraf-aroo, and 16-year-old brother Alex, who is working to finish up his first novel.
The book took Tommy nine months to write, with his parents helping to edit. Tommy created “Magyka” using his own interests and experiences. The 7th grade student has a love of reading, which his mother helped foster while homeschooling Tommy when he was in 2nd grade. “She made us read an hour every day, and I came to think of it not so much as being forced to read but having the time to read,” he said. Tommy enjoyed being able to read so many books.
Tommy and Rich participated in a book signing at Barnes & Noble in March as a way to raise money for Saint Monica’s Mission trips. Tommy was also invited to promote his book at North Gwinnett Middle School for their “Celebrate North” and book fair.
Writing a novel is an accomplishment Tommy says wouldn’t be possible without his parents support, and according to him, “Magyka: The Fifth Element” is only the beginning. Tommy has already started the second book and plans to write a third and possibly a fourth. Both books are available for purchase at as well as