Launches to Serve as Community Resource


On Monday, March 23, Governor Brian Kemp announced a mandatory “shelter-in-place” order for Georgians who are at an increased risk of contracting COVID-19, including the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions. Kemp’s executive order also requires businesses, including churches, to close if they are unable to limit crowds to 10 people or less. Bars and nightclubs, however, are required to close. Gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited unless patrons can keep 6 feet apart at all times. The order went into effect today at noon and will remain in effect until noon on April 6.

As we come to terms with COVID-19 and its devastating affects on community, it’s more important now than ever to rally together to help those most affected. Many small businesses have been forced to close their doors, restaurants are limiting orders to takeout only, and events have been rescheduled or canceled altogether, leaving many at risk of losing their jobs or a reliable source of income.

In Gwinnett County, community partners from all sectors have come together to put the necessary resources in place to help each other during this time and have launched as a go-to website that offers real-time information about the most critical needs and how people can help. It will also offer reliable ways for people in need to find the resources they seek. The ultimate goal of is offer support to those who need it and to care for our community throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a press release about the launch of, “The site specifically outlines what donations are needed and where to drop them off to streamline distribution throughout the community. There will be a need for community volunteers, so Volunteer Gwinnett is working to collect a list of people we can call upon as needs arise. Links to critical volunteer opportunities will be spotlighted on the site as they surface. The site also provides information on relief funds established that will allow us to infuse resources to our local nonprofits providing services on the front lines.”

While the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and its effects on our community have been difficult, to say the least, we are grateful to live in a community that rallies together to support one another in critical times of need. is a valuable resource and will be updated as more information becomes available.