‘I love how I feel and how my clothes are fitting’

I’m finding it hard to keep putting into words all that the Suwanee Get Fit Challenge has done for me. I’ve so loved my classes and workouts at Alloy Personal Training for Women. Anthony is such an inspirational guy. If you think you want to get fit, please go try a class with him. He truly meets you at your level and then adapts and mixes it up. I want to continue to work with him for years to come!
The classes are fun and I love how I feel and how my clothes are fitting. I get compliments on people seeing my changes and they keep me motivated! I love it when people tell me they see a difference and even had someone tell me they didn’t recognize me!
The hardest part still has to be eating right all the time. I am not much of a meal planner and the thought of making a huge pile of food so that I have to eat the same meal 10 times in one week just sounds disgusting! I don’t want grilled chicken and broccoli 5 days a week and 2 meals a day! This is the one area where I hope to improve. I do hope to cook healthier meals and not just buy frozen dinners to heat and eat. But my snacks and water consumption has been amazing. There are days where I feel like I eat all the time!
One funny story that has happened in the past few weeks it that Lent has started. Everyone has asked what I will give up for lent. My family is Catholic so we do this each year. So this year, I’m giving up pounds! As in at least 10 more of them!
One of the best parts of the contest is definitely that there are 5 other contestants. I enjoy our outings, social media support and celebrating their success just as much as my own! I love the pilates class but I really enjoyed the 30 minutes after class just talking and hanging out. I am really looking forward to a hike soon so we have more time to laugh and chat. There is something nice about knowing you are not doing the contest alone. I consider these guys my friends and I enjoy seeing them and the Suwanee Magazine staff! The support and energy from the contestants and staff are part of my motivation to be successful! In the end, we are all winners!