NAMED Program Councils Presidential Candidates


keith-kantor-homeDr. Keith Kantor, Suwanee resident and Founder of “Nutritional Addiction Mitigation Eating & Drinking” (NAMED), was called upon to brief presidential candidates on how his program can help lower relapse rates among recovering addicts and save taxpayers millions. Substance abuse and addiction recovery is a top priority for the presidential candidates this election cycle, and Dr. Kantor has been meeting with each candidate or members of their campaign staff, to discuss how NAMED can help this serious issue across our country.
The mission of NAMED is to “increase the success rate of addiction withdrawal and lower the relapse rate of addicts in recovery through natural nutritional methods. The program was developed by Dr. Keith Kantor, who is known as a bestselling author, internationally renowned PhD in Nutritional Science, leading expert on using natural foods to mitigate disease in the U.S, and CEO of Named Program LLC. Through the NAMED program, precise nutritional plans and menus are created for recovering addicts, that are developed to keep the body functioning at its optimal level while reducing symptoms and complications of recovery. It is the only program that specifically targets the opiate receptors that cause the cravings of addiction, as well as targeting inflammation created by acidosis that causes large insulin fluctuations. The NAMED program offers an Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program as well as customized nutrition therapy and menus.