“Spread the Words” 5K/Fun Run benefits Animal Rescue and Autism Programs


The Jonny & Xena’s Spread the Words Foundation, Inc. held its inaugural “Spread the Words” 5K/Fun Run on Saturday, October 24th, in Suwanee Town Center Park. The event benefited animal rescue and autism programs in the metro Atlanta area. The event was a way for the Foundation to give back to the community that has supported their efforts and embraced the story of Jonny and Xena. Jonny is a young boy with autism that prior to owning Xena, had led an extremely quiet life with little outside interaction. Jonny’s parents, ardent animal lovers, adopted Xena, a severely battered and abused dog, who as she was being nursed to health, opened a door for Jonny that they didn’t know was possible.

Their story has reached millions of people in over 114 countries through social media and a viral YouTube video. Xena the Warrior Puppy has become a sensation in her own right. She was the ASPCA Dog of the Year 2013, the American Humane Association’s Emerging Hero Dog of the Year 2014, the American Kennel Club’s ACE Exemplary Companion, and was awarded the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice Excellence In Service for her dedication to Georgia’s at risk youth. She is using her fame and her love of Jonny to “spread the words,” help support animals in need and to shine a light on autism. To learn more about the organization and their story, visit xenathewarriorpuppy.com.