VDG wins 2016 APEX Award of Excellence for Magazine Layout and Design


As many readers know, Veugeler Design Group is the proud creator of Suwanee Magazine. We have been publishing the magazine since 2011 and handle every step of production, from design and layout to content, photography, sales, ad design and more. What originally started as a local marketing tool to showcase VDG’s design capabilities, quickly evolved into a full-scale print and digital publication with over 20,000 copies distributed in 400+ locations each issue.

The March-April 2015 issue won the 2016 APEX Award of Excellence in Magazine Layout & Design. This issue had a special section dedicated to local, award-winning festival, Suwanee Beer Fest. On the cover we featured a photo of Gaye Kanitsch taken at the 2014 Suwanee Beer Fest wearing her custom-made bottle cap vest, earrings and glasses. The issue also featured Suwanee Magazine’s annual “Camp Guide” with 50 summer camps throughout the state of Georgia.

As with every issue of Suwanee Magazine, each page of this 100-page edition was meticulously designed, planned and laid out with our readers in mind. It is our goal to make the magazine not only intriguing and easy to read, but to make it aesthetically-pleasing, beautiful, professional and high-end.

VDG has been told by community members that Suwanee Magazine is the best-looking local publication in Metro Atlanta, and it is an honor to be officially recognized by APEX Awards as well.