Are You Ready to Get Fit?

suwanee magazine get fit challenge

Suwanee Magazine wants to help you get back on track to a healthier lifestyle come 2018. That’s why we’re bringing back our Get Fit Challenge. We are currently looking for six local residents who want to kick off the new year with a commitment to a three-month challenge that will give you the tools and guidance to get healthy.

By: Alicia Carter 

The holidays are approaching and our plates are fuller — literally and figuratively. We’re juggling shopping lists, family commitments, holiday traveling, and we’re also indulging in more sweet treats, second helpings and, sure, an extra glass of wine or two to temper the holiday stress. ’Tis the season, right? But as we all know, the pumpkin pie, Christmas cookies, dressing and other seasonal goodies add up to extra weight gain and an overall feeling of bah humbug.

We here at Suwanee Magazine want to help you get back on track to a healthier lifestyle come 2018. That’s why we’re bringing back our popular Get Fit Challenge. We’re currently looking for six local  residents who want to kick off the new year with a commitment to a three-month challenge that will give them the tools and guidance to get healthy.

Beginning January 2, we will pair six Get Fit Challenge contestants with a local gym where they will receive a FREE, THREE-MONTH MEMBERSHIP. During that time, contestants will work out with fitness experts, learn how to implement healthier food choices, and develop the goals and a plan that will work for each individual. Suwanee Magazine and our readers will monitor their progress and cheer them on throughout the three month fitness journey. The overall winner and results of the challenge will be announced in our May/June 2018 issue and online at


Deadline to enter is Nov. 19.