Infinite Energy Center Announces Expansion Plans


From the Atlanta Gladiators and the Lion King to popular music artists like Justin Timberlake, U2, Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift and more, it is no surprise that the Infinite Energy Center is at its peak of popularity. That’s why the new $2.59 million contract to expand and improve the arena should come as no surprise. On Tuesday, July 17th, The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners approved the contract that will transform the center from an entertainment space with special events to a destination that can be used and visited at all times of the day. The architectural firm, Smallwood, Reynolds, Stewart & Associates will design the renovations and expansions for the Infinite Energy Center and will include changes to the Convention Hall, the Grand Ballroom, and the meeting spaces within the Forum.

These development plans aren’t just going to drastically change the Infinite Energy Center, however, but are meant to attract more people and, in turn, improve the entertainment, retail, and business activity for the surrounding area. With additional, improved meeting spaces and larger areas for entertainment and cultural events as well as more parking and a downtown entertainment district, the community is sure to feel the impacts of this big change and will increase the quality of life and overall feeling of community for the Gwinnett County area.