‘This is a form of self care and I am worth it’


It’s hard to believe that it has been one month of Project Stephanie. Where did the time go? I can truly say this has been a journey and most of all a HUGE blessing. What started out as a vision to work on and become a better version of my physical self has turned out to be so much more. Not only am I losing physical weight, I am shedding some emotional weight as well. Making myself a top priority on my own priority list has proven a bigger challenge. It is easier for me to care for others but taking, no correction, making the time to care for me has proven so much harder.

I knew the exercise would be hard work and even making the necessary changes to my nutrition/diet a challenge. However, I underestimated the work I would have to do to REALLY address why it was so hard. This experience is priceless and the changes in the inner Stephanie are just amazing to watch unfold. As I stated in my previous blog post, I am learning to push past the “burn” in my exercise, diet and now some of my professional and personal goals. Yes, there are days that it is sooooooo hard to make the “right” choices, but easy got me in a place I did not want to be.

I am grateful to have the absolute BEST husband, kids, friends and teammate that helps me dig deep to “Just do it” as the Nike slogan suggests. And in doing the internal work and pushing past the burn, I am realizing even more that this is a form of self care and I am worth it. So, I will continue to put in the work to do the hard things and just watch the new version of Stephanie shine even brighter. And the journey continues …