Students Gain Hands-On Life & Work Experience at JA Discovery Center Gwinnett


Located on the campus of Discovery High School in Lawrenceville, the Junior Achievement’s (JA) Discovery Center was developed to arm the upcoming generation with the ability to budget, save, invest and control their financial futures and achieve their dreams. Every year more than 25,000 middle school students from Gwinnett County Public Schools Students with Computershave the opportunity to take part in JA BizTown and JA Finance Park to experience learning like never before. Following a series of in-class lessons, the JA Discovery Center brings education to life and provides students with an immersive learning experience that gives them a glimpse of what their futures can entail.

Starting the second year of operation, JA Discovery Center at Gwinnett provides hands-on experiences in financial literacy for Gwinnett County Public School students in 6th and 8th grade. Students take part in a simulated economy as an employee, taxpayer, and consumer. Working in teams at assigned businesses, students will learn by developing budgets, making purchasing decisions, and increasing their business “know-how.”

With this stimulation, students experience their personal financial futures first-hand, and learn how to make wise financial decisions while managing a household Learning about tiresbudget. During its first year, the JA Discovery Center yielded strong results for participating students who reported that they saw the strong connection between stimulated situations and real-life choices they will face.

Parents, community members and business partners of all educational and professional backgrounds are invited to support JA Discovery Center at Gwinnett as volunteers.

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