Shop Local! Suwanee Farmers Market Returns


If you’ve been missing your fresh produce, eggs, local honey and more, get ready because the Suwanee Farmers Market is back at Suwanee Town Center on Saturday mornings and Tuesday afternoons for its ninth year!

Local residents and others that drive long distances, come to shop the Suwanee Farmers Market for local, home-grown fare.

This year shoppers can expect to find local honey (which is good for allergies), locally raised and processed meats including beef, pork and poultry, eggs, baked goods and produce. In total there will be about 25 vendors on Saturday and about 20 vendors each Tuesday afternoon.

New for this year’s farmers market, in late May shoppers will find organic peaches added to the mix, and the Gwinnett Extension Office will be onsite from time to time to talk about canning, preserving and what to do with seasonal products.

But you can still find your all-time favorites including It Began with a Seed from Lula, Okie Dokie Farms from Suwanee, Serenity Gardens from Buford, My Daily Bread from Hall County, B&B Enterprises from Flowery Branch, and Mountain Earth Farms.

Amy Doherty, Events Coordinator for the City of Suwanee, said the success of the Suwanee Farmers Market comes from the great farmers who produce and grow the items they sell.

“They (the farmers) build relationships with the people they sell food to and then those folks come back for more,” she said. “The quality and taste is so much better and when you know the hands that plant and harvest what you eat, it just builds a relationship.”

Suwanee Farmers Market hours of operation: Tuesdays May 1 –August 7 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays May 5 – Oct. 6 from 8 a.m. to noon. There will be no market on September 15 (Suwanee Day).


  1. Hooray! My kids love the farmer’s market! I’ll be out there Saturday for sure! =)