Suwanee’s Fitness Success Stories


BY: Rachel Fasig

With the New Year comes new resolutions, and often those goals are fitness-oriented. It is easy to stay motivated in the first month or two, but many find it difficult to stay motivated throughout the remainder of the year. Well, here are five individuals who hope to give you that extra boost of inspiration and motivation to stick with your fitness goals beyond the shortterm. Included in the five, we have a man who was once an insulin-dependent diabetic who is now completely off of insulin, a woman who had heart surgery and is now competing in sprint triathlons; they have: lost a collective total of 260 pounds, run faster, lifted more, swam longer, biked farther and pushed themselves beyond what they ever thought possible. They have made complete lifestyle changes that continue to benefit and inspire their families and those closest to them. And one thing they have in common is saying, “Hey, if I can do this, I know you can too!”

Meet the Fit Five! Click on their names to read their stories below:

Ryan Garrett lost 80 pounds!

Kat Kelly lost 40 pounds!

Michael Timms lost 70 pounds!

Beth Rowe lost over 8 inches!

Lisa Shay lost 45 pounds!