‘Are you better off now than you were 2.5 months ago?’


I can’t believe we only have 3 weeks left of the Get Fit Challenge! I’m not where I thought I’d be scale-wise and size-wise at this point in the Challenge, but I am getting my mindset right so that I will be able to continue this healthy journey after the Challenge has ended.

Update since the last time I blogged:

1). Coach Caroline at Alloy has ordered me to stay off the scale until I have to weigh in at the end of the Challenge. She noticed a strong pattern and correlation of when I’d weigh in and how my mood was that day.

2) My church (Fusion Church in Buford) message on March 4 was on “Overcoming the Comparison Trap.” How relevant is that for me?! The message’s key points were: refuse to play this no-win game; appreciate my uniqueness; and run my race. And did you know the Bible tells us we shouldn’t compare ourselves? “Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else.” Galatians 6:4.

3) The church message on March 11 was “Overcoming the Grip of Apathy.” This was also applicable to me in my journey; specifically the part about needing to see progress in your work so that you don’t lose your passion and quit. Something Pastor Tony said to keep in mind is to not only rejoice when a project is completed, but to ensure you rejoice along the way too. So I am rejoicing in all the little steps and wins that I have made since January 2.

4) Coach Caroline has been a huge help. In addition to her instruction to stay off the scale, she has reviewed my food log, given me nutritional guidance, provided me with easy and delicious recipes, and has made time for numerous conversations and texts. When I get discouraged about the slow progress, she has me answer and focus on the question, “Are you better off now than you were 2.5 months ago?” (Yes, yes, I am.)

Thank you Suwanee Magazine Get Fit Challenge, Alloy for Women Personal Training, my family, and numerous friends and supporters that have helped me to be better off now than I was 2.5 months ago!