Teacher on List for Kidney Transplant


A teacher spends much of their time using skills, talents and education to teach and to foster the children in the community. Paul Murphy, a special needs teacher at Lanier Middle School in Sugar Hill, is such a teacher who said he strives to teach his students by inspiring them.

But Murphy has polycystic kidney disease, a genetic kidney disease where clusters of fluid filled sacs called cysts develop in the kidneys and interfere with their ability to remove toxins and waste from the blood. As a result the kidneys become enlarged, and eventually, the disease can lead to kidney failure.

After living with the disease since birth, Murphy is currently on the list to receive a kidney transplant.

A concert featuring several local bands, “Live 4 Music,” is being held March 9 at the Lanier High School Theater. Doors open at 7 p.m. and music will begin at 7:30 p.m. Donations will be collected and all proceeds will go to benefit a matching grant fund for Paul Murphy at the Georgia Transplant Foundation.

Murphy, who has always been a music lover and leads the Guitar Club at the middle school, said a relaxing evening of live music was something he could get excited about.

“It’s going to be a great show and a fun night,” he said.

In the meantime, Murphy, who is otherwise in good health, said he’s working to remain healthy doing everything that his doctors tell him to do.

“I feel very fortunate,” Murphy said.

Donations can be made online: